
10 uses of artificial intelligence

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10 uses of artificial intelligence

10 Uses of AI in Everyday Life

AI has created so many amazing advancements in the last few years that it’s easy to overlook that AI is already impacting the world.

This year saw some amazing advancements in the application of AI. A computer-generated image created by AI has been awarded an art award in a contest against humans.

The reality is artificial intelligence is everywhere around us.

It’s used to identify cancers, fight the poaching of endangered elephants, and find archeological sites from space. However, AI isn’t confined to the boundaries of science. Artificial Intelligence is everywhere.

You likely make use of AI in your everyday routine, too.

“AI technologies are penetrating nearly every aspect of our lives, almost imperceptibly,” said a Senior Member. “It powers our devices while continuously improving by analysing data we produce on those devices.”




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  • Face Recognition for unlocking phones: When you glance at your phone, it will unlock. These features are supported by an artificial intelligence system that uses cameras and sensor technologies to detect your facial expressions.
  • Financial Fraud Detection AI is exceptionally adept in pattern analysis, and most of us regularly utilise credit card transactions. It is, therefore, well-suited to determine the types of transactions that could be fraudulent. If you’ve ever received an email from your bank to inquire whether you’d made a purchase that was not authorised, it’s probably due to AI.
  • Automated correction: AI software uses machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing to detect incorrect usage of words in text processors, word processing apps, and other media that use text and offer suggestions for corrections.

In the near future, most of the AI systems efforts will focus on creating bigger and less biassed datasets on which to build models.

“The training of these systems is critically dependent on the data the AI model is trained on,” said by Acknowledged Individual. “The more scenarios it can go through, the better it can be. However, this requires carefully planned, annotated datasets. They should be diverse to avoid bias and constantly change to reflect the changing environment and scenarios that are triggered in real-world scenarios.”

It also warned against relying too much on AI systems in specific circumstances that can alter your life.

“AI needs to be explainable,” Panetta explained. “For instance, numerous companies sell products that assess the performance of employees and decide on the amount of compensation. However, the decisions coming from these systems can’t be explained to explain why the AI came to that conclusion. AI shouldn’t affect someone’s life or livelihood.”

Despite the increasing popularity of AI, it has plenty of room to improve and grow.

Learn more about Artificial Intelligence: Artificial intelligence is everywhere, which means that the creators of AI systems have to consider the effect it can have on its users.

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