Are jobs in artificial intelligence on the rise? Your Next Career Move

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Are jobs in artificial intelligence on the rise?

Are jobs in artificial intelligence on the rise?

The fear of artificial intelligence (AI) creating jobs is a major theme in the discussion about technology. However, what needs to be considered is the numerous ways that AI can enhance jobs currently in existence and possibly create many new jobs.

It is often claimed that people displaced due to automation didn’t lose their job due to technology but to someone who could use it to become more efficient. AI is not the same in this respect.

Based on recent online activity, the demand is high for jobs which incorporate AI in some way or another. This suggests that the information workforce realises that it must be on an AI train or stay on the side of the tracks.


Peak Interest

As per CoinckoGecko, Google searches for “AI Jobs” is about four times the rate for “Crypto Jobs’’  when it peaked in early 2022. The upward trend started in November 2022, following the launch of ChatGPT by OpenAI and reached a score of 124 in April before falling back to 100 by the end of April.

In the years following the top in Bitcoin’s (BTC) value in November 2021, its interest in job-searching remained within 30. This indicates AI’s greater appeal to many job applicants.


Who is Employing AI Talent? Where are these jobs located?

As per Visual Capitalist, what’s good is that more than 800,000 AI-related jobs were advertised throughout the U.S. alone last year, including California dominating the list with almost 18% of all jobs. This was nearly double the number of jobs in the next state, Texas, contributing approximately 8.4 per cent. It is nevertheless important to remember that California’s share has been decreasing over the last decade, and Texas’s percentage is rising.

Regarding the qualifications required for jobs in AI, the most prominent one mentioned in job ads is Python, with 37 per cent. The next is general computer science at 33%, and SQL as well as data science and analytics at 23 per cent and 20 per cent and 20%, respectively. In the final section are items such as Automation, Java, and software engineering, which are at 17 per cent each.


What are the skills required to get an AI Job?

It requires more than just technical abilities to be skilled in AI. However, it is not just about technical skills. Career guidance company Handshake says that while a solid understanding of analytics and programming is essential to leverage fully, AI requires various soft skills, including collaboration, adaptability and a sense of interest.

AI is a complicated technology that has many layers and ways of operating. It is highly unlikely that just the same person can use a particular model. Moreover, with the ability to learn by itself and self-heal, it’s not likely to keep the same operating patterns for as long as conventional software can.

The most significant alteration AI can bring to the table is how it replaces the mundane, repetitive digital processes so that human operators can focus on more strategic, imaginative aspects of their job. This will require experts to be more creative and adaptable to their responsibilities.


The ones who pay ardent attention to their responsibilities and constantly strive for improvement and greater results will be successful in the AI world. Those content to click buttons and browse menus the same way repeatedly won’t.

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However, certain industries will likely implement AI faster than others and require greater AI abilities in their workforces in the coming years.

According to Handshake’s analysis, the top industries that are hiring for AI positions are

  • Healthcare

  • Finance

  • Supply chain

  • Government

  • Human resources

Each of these fields relies on integrated, complex workflows that demand large quantities of data and quick turnaround of service delivery and analytics, making it a fertile ground for experienced professionals to allow their AI seeds to sprout.

What are the Salaries?

If they get adept at constructing and managing AI algorithms, the chance of high-paying careers is good. Career guidance expert Vault Firsthand notes that skills in the natural processing of languages (NLP) pay wages in the $80,000 to $100,000 range in the business intelligence category, whereas robotics engineering can reach $130,000.

If Big Data is your thing and you are looking for a job that pays $150,000, and more is rare, the high demand for machine-learning skills can push those salaries up to $200,000.

But not without challenges

The further out we envision the AI time period, of course, the more difficult it is to determine the state of the labour market. Computer networking was around before the advent of the Internet. However, only some could have anticipated the widespreadness of its current version and the myriad job opportunities it’s generated, not just technical ones in wireless and wired networks as well as things such as SEO analysis and Social Media Director in addition.

The Bottom Line

AI can generate various jobs, likely different business models, and possibly completely new industries. It’s okay for everyone to become an expert in the mind-bending mathematics of software coding and data science, in the same way that modern salespeople do not need to be able to fix their CRM systems.

However, knowing how AI operates and what must be done to get the desired outcomes is vital, and the right time to learn those capabilities is now since AI is at a very early stage of development.


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